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March 13, 2021 fire drill
2021-03-13 09:23:30

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Fire evacuation drill of plant and dormitory in 2021

Time: March 13, 2021

Commander in chief: Director of Longchan factory

Participants: employees of the whole factory

Starting from 15:30 PM, assembly point: open space and playground

First of all: at 15:30, the main person in charge of safety issued the order to start the exercise. The supervisor rings the alarm, and the volunteer firefighters guide the staff to evacuate to the center of the playground on the first floor at the exit of each floor. 

Then the safety officer is responsible for maintaining the order of the gate and the evacuation area, avoiding chaos and keeping the evacuation passageway unobstructed.

Finally, after the evacuation to the playground, explain the emergency treatment, the use of fire extinguishers and hydrants, and the importance of fire safety.

The main purpose of this fire drill is to train the staff to deal with the emergency of fire escape, so that they can understand the process of fire emergency plan and alarm signals, and understand the response measures in case of fire. In order to reduce the harm caused by fire, they must understand the implementation of emergency measures, carry out emergency rescue, evacuation and first aid immediately.

This activity is of great significance. Safety production is more important than Mount Tai.

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